What is IPBFT?

IPBFT serves as the robust consensus algorithm for Genixor4.0, acting as the engine that drives the blockchain system. Drawing an analogy between a blockchain and a car, the consensus mechanism plays a vital role in powering the system. With IPBFT, Genixor4.0 achieves enhanced speed, scalability, and security, making it a reliable and efficient algorithm for blockchain operations. Evolution of Consensus: IPBFT Taking PBFT to New Heights of Performance and Scalability Streamlined Communication: IPBFT Sets New Standards with Linear Worst-Case Communication Volume, Contrasting PBFT's O(n^4) Enhanced Security: IPBFT Safeguards the Leader through Verifiable Random Function (VRF) for Each Round, Preventing Predictable Attacks


What is "Unanimity?"

The consensus protocol serves as the backbone of distributed technology, ensuring agreement among participants in a decentralized environment. With no central authority to validate transactions, the protocol enables the network to verify transactions securely and transparently, fostering a trusting environment.

What is PBFT (Practical Byzantine Algorithm)?

Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (pBFT) is a consensus model that ensures consistent behavior among multiple computers in a decentralized system, known as state machine replication. By exchanging messages and verifying the validity of decisions, nodes in the network reach a consensus on important matters such as blockchain block validity. The security of pBFT increases with the presence of honest nodes, which collectively agree on correct decisions and reject those made by malicious nodes, as long as the number of malicious nodes remains below one-third of the total. pBFT systems are known for their energy efficiency, as they require minimal computing resources and energy consumption. Moreover, pBFT allows for fast consensus as all nodes continuously communicate with each other without the need for multiple confirmations. Once consensus is reached, the transaction is considered complete. This process can be summarized in five steps: The election of a leader node through voting The initiation and broadcast of decisions by the leader Responses from all nodes,including the leader and auxiliary nodes The validation of responses when at least two-thirds plus one node sends the same response In case of malicious behavior from the leader node, it can be removed by the majority of nodes.


Comparing IPBFT and PBFT Consensus: Exploring the Differences

The Genixor ecosystem thrives on a strong and vibrant community, where collaboration, adaptation, innovation, and mutual support are at the core. Our community comprises a diverse range of talents, including developers, designers, tech writers, community leaders, and tech companies, who actively contribute to the continuous growth and evolution of Genixor. Become a part of our expansive network and join the dynamic IOT blockchain community today.


How does IPBFT work?

IPBFT employs a verifiable random function (VRF)-based lottery system to randomly select verifiers, with nodes possessing a higher vote weight ratio having a greater likelihood of being chosen as block producers. This approach ensures enhanced security and fairness.IPBFT introduces multiple governance parameters and incorporates a punishment mechanism for addressing misbehavior.The operational process follows these steps: 1.Firstly, the IPBFT system utilizes VRF to select the leader node for each round, who is responsible for proposing the block and disseminating it to the other participating nodes. Subsequently, the IPBFT consensus algorithm is employed to facilitate consensus among the nodes, requiring a minimum agreement of over 2/3 of the total votes for the block to be successfully confirmed. 2.In alternate cycles, the gods nodes undergo a re-election process based on the number of votes they have accumulated, with the top 25 vote-receiving nodes being selected as the new round of block producers. 3.For each regular block, a specific block reward is allocated, consisting of a fixed block reward and half of the transaction handling fee. The remaining half of the handling fee is permanently eliminated. The gods node has the ability to determine a reward percentage, dividing each block reward proportionally between the block producer and the Genixor holders who have cast their votes for that particular node. 4.Every holder of Genixor has the opportunity to actively engage in the decision-making process and propose system referendums to shape the key matters and development of the Genixor ecosystem. Once the voting process is concluded, the Genixor Foundation takes the lead in organizing and advancing the referendums in collaboration with the community, ensuring a collective approach to decision-making and governance.