
Our team is working hard to make archive

  • Identification of market needs and opportunities in the blockchain and artificial intelligence industry.
  • Conducting competitor analysis.
  • Setting project goals.
  • Formulation of initial concepts: Combining machine learning algorithms with smart contracts.
  • Preparation of the roadmap.
  • Establishment of a talented team consisting of developers, artificial intelligence experts, and blockchain experts.
  • Assign roles and responsibilities, ensuring a well-rounded team
  • Defining the team's duties and responsibilities.
Technical Review Development
  • Documentation of project details.
  • Determination of the main outlines of the tokenomic and distribution model: Token usage, token supply, and allocation.
Token Creation Event Preparation
  • Preparation of a secure and audited smart contract.
  • Completion of security tests for the smart contract.
  • Token sale structure and pricing will be determined.
Q1-Q2 2023
Pre-ICO and ICO Stages
  • Launch of marketing campaigns to reach a wider audience and increase participation in the token sale.
Marketing and Community Building
  • Launch of Genixor's website and opening of social media accounts.
  • Budgeting of the main marketing campaign and its strategies will be determined.
  • Engaging with the blockchain and artificial intelligence community through forums, conferences, and partnerships.
  • Active use of content marketing initiatives such as blog posts, videos, and webinars to educate and inform the target audience.
Q3-Q4 2023
Public Sale Starts.
  • Token Details:
  • Token Name: Genixor (GXR)
  • Token Standard: BEP-20 (Built on the Binance Smart Chain)
  • Total Token Supply: 18 million GXR
  • ICO Token Sale: 7.2 million GXR tokens will be sold during the ICO
  • Hard Cap: 6,000,000 tokens
  • Soft Cap: 4,000,000 tokens
Token Distribution
  • ICO Sale: 7.2 million GXR tokens will be sold during the ICO
  • Team and Advisors : 2.7 million GXR tokens will be allocated to the project developers
  • Community and Ecosystem: 3.6 million GXR tokens will be reserved for encouraging community participation
  • Reserve: 3.6 million GXR tokens will be set aside for future developments and use cases
  • Marketing and Promotion: 5% of the total supply (900 million GXR) will be allocated to marketing and promotional activities. These tokens will be used to support marketing campaigns aimed at increasing awareness, promoting adoption, expanding the user base, and enhancing visibility.
1. Quarter - 2024
ICO starts
  • Beginning of ICO Round 1. (0.20 USD)
  • Beginning of ICO Round 2. (0.40 USD)
  • Beginning of ICO Round 3. (0.60 USD)
Post-ICO Development and Growth
  • Allocate resources to further develop the Genixor platform based on the roadmap
  • Acceleration of the development process by integrating advanced artificial intelligence algorithms and smart contract capabilities into the platform.
  • Partnerships and collaborations with other blockchain projects and artificial intelligence technology providers.
Token Listing and Exchange Integration
  • Discussions will be made with crypto exchanges to list the Genixor token (GXR) for trading.
  • Completion of the necessary legal and compliance requirements for token listing.
  • Ensuring listing on major exchanges to enhance GXR's liquidity and market availability.
  • Completion of decentralized exchange (DEX) integrations to provide additional trading opportunities for GXR holders.
Marketing and Awareness Campaigns
  • Launch of a comprehensive marketing campaign to promote the Genixor platform and its unique features.
  • Increasing activities in various marketing channels, including social media, content creation, influencer partnerships, and events.
  • Expansion of the public relations team to ensure media presence and enhance brand visibility.
User Acquisition and Growth
  • Implement user acquisition strategies to attract a diverse user base to the Genixor platform.
  • Offering incentive and reward programs to increase user adoption and engagement.
  • Analyzing user behavior and feedback to optimize the platform's usability and user experience, leading to the release of launchpad 2.0.
Regulatory Compliance and Legal Framework
  • Updating compliance with relevant regulations and legal requirements in the regions where Genixor operates.
  • Genixor will consult the legal team to ensure that all legal provisions and strategies will be implemented.
  • Activation of Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) procedures.
Expansion and Global Reach
  • Release of expansion plans to enter new markets and target international users.
  • Customization of the Genixor launchpad to meet specific regional requirements and preferences.
  • Establishing partnerships with local businesses and organizations to facilitate market penetration.
Continuous Improvement and Adaptation
  • Regularly evaluate the project's performance, user feedback, and market dynamics to identify areas for improvement.
  • Development and release of roadmap 2.0.
Platform Launch and MVP Version
    Beginning of ICO Round 4. (0.80 USD)
  • Development and launch of the minimum viable product (MVP) for the Genixor platform.
  • Conduct comprehensive tests and quality assurance to ensure a seamless user experience.
Strategic Partnerships and Integration
  • Establish strategic partnerships with other blockchain projects, artificial intelligence companies, and industry stakeholders.
  • Collaborate with established platforms to integrate Genixor's artificial intelligence capabilities into their ecosystems.
  • Evaluate and report on opportunities for cross-platform compatibility and interoperability.
Token Utility and Governance
  • Define and develop the benefit of the Genixor token within the ecosystem by providing incentives to token holders.
  • Establish a transparent and inclusive governance model that allows token holders to participate in decision-making processes.
  • Activate voting, staking, and token burning mechanisms to align community interests with project development.
Initial Product Launch
  • Completion of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) development process.
  • Test the MVP and gather user feedback.
  • Launch the first product and establish a user base.
Partnerships and Integrations
  • Research and develop partnership and integration opportunities.
  • Establish strategic partnerships, especially with technology providers, platforms, and industry leaders.
  • Develop third-party integrations and explore new use cases.
Second Product Development
  • Create new features and products based on the success of the first product.
  • Include user feedback and add suggested features.
  • Expand the product portfolio and cater to different market segments.
Global Expansion
  • Strengthen presence in initially targeted markets.
  • Develop entry strategies for new geographic regions and international markets.
  • Ensure compliance with local regulations and establish local partnerships to meet specific market requirements.
Research and Innovation
  • Conduct continuous research and development activities focused on advanced technologies and industry trends.
  • Collaborate with industry leaders and participate in innovative projects.
  • Apply for patents and protect intellectual property rights.
Community Engagement and Education
  • Build an active community and encourage user participation in the project.
  • Create educational materials, organize webinars, and events.
  • Value community feedback and promote a collaborative environment.
Feature Enhancements
  • Determine key areas for improvement based on user feedback and market analysis.
  • Develop existing features to enhance usability, performance, and functionality.
  • Introduce new features and modules to meet changing user needs.
Integration and Compatibility
  • Explore integration opportunities with popular third-party software and services.
  • Increase compatibility with different operating systems, browsers, and platforms.
  • Develop APIs and SDKs to facilitate seamless integration with other systems.
Scalability and Performance
  • Optimize the software architecture and infrastructure to handle increasing user loads.
  • Conduct load testing and performance optimization to enhance system scalability.
  • Implement caching, load balancing, and other techniques to improve overall performance.
Mobile and Multi-Platform Support
  • If applicable, develop mobile applications for popular platforms (iOS, Android).
  • Ensure seamless cross-platform compatibility and user experience.
  • Develop mobile features and functionalities to align with user expectations.
1st Quarter – 2025
Device Integration
  • Expansion of the range of compatible IoT devices and protocols.
  • Development of driver and firmware updates for newly released devices.
  • Ensuring seamless integration and interoperability between different IoT devices.
Data Analytics and Insights
  • Implementation of advanced data analytics techniques to derive meaningful insights from Internet of Things data.
  • Development of visualizations and dashboards for real-time monitoring and analysis.
  • Enabling predictive analytics and machine learning algorithms for proactive decision-making.
Security and Privacy
  • Strengthening IoT device security through encryption, authentication, and access control mechanisms
  • Addressing privacy concerns by implementing privacy-by-design principles.
  • Applying product software patches regularly to reduce security vulnerabilities.
Edge Computing and Fog Computing
  • Utilizing edge computing and fog computing technologies to process data locally and minimize latency.
  • Distributing computing tasks between edge devices and the cloud for optimized performance and reduced bandwidth usage.
  • Development of edge analytics capabilities to enable real-time processing and decision-making at the edge.
Remote Monitoring and Control
  • Development of remote monitoring capabilities for IoT devices.
  • Enabling remote configuration, firmware updates, and troubleshooting.
  • Integration with centralized control systems for efficient device management.
2nd Quarter - 2025
Internationalization and Localization
  • Adapting the software to support multiple languages and cultural preferences.
  • Collaborating with localization partners to translate user interfaces and documentation.
  • Conducting user acceptance tests to ensure a seamless user experience in different regions.
Performance Monitoring and Optimization
  • Implementation of robust monitoring tools to track software performance metrics.
  • Analyzing performance data to identify bottlenecks and areas for optimization.
  • Applying optimization techniques like code refactoring and database tuning to enhance overall performance.
Accessibility and Inclusivity
  • Ensuring compliance with accessibility standards for disabled users (e.g., WCAG).
  • Conducting accessibility audits and addressing identified issues.
  • Integrating inclusive design principles to make the software usable by a diverse range of users.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Integration
  • Exploring opportunities to leverage AI and machine learning technologies within the software.
  • Developing intelligent features, such as predictive analytics or recommendation systems.
  • Integrating with popular AI frameworks and libraries to facilitate development and deployment.
Edge Intelligence
  • Enhancing edge device capabilities to locally execute advanced analytics and decision-making processes.
  • Implementing edge machine learning models for real-time inference and anomaly detection.
  • Enabling end-to-end communication for collaborative decision-making across devices.
Energy Efficiency
  • Optimizing power consumption of IoT devices to extend battery life and reduce environmental impact.
  • Implementing power management techniques such as dynamic power scaling and sleep modes.
  • Researching energy harvesting solutions to leverage renewable energy sources for IoT devices.
Blockchain Integration
  • Exploring the integration of blockchain technology to enhance security and trust in IoT applications.
  • Implementing decentralized identity and access control mechanisms.
  • Leveraging smart contracts for secure and transparent transactions within IoT ecosystems.
End-to-End Continuity:
  • Implementing hybrid architectures that balance local processing with cloud-based analysis and storage.
3rd Quarter - 2025
Security and Privacy Enhancements
  • Conduct regular security assessments and penetration tests to identify security vulnerabilities.
  • Implementation of strong encryption algorithms and secure communication protocols.
  • Enhance user privacy by applying privacy by design principles and complying with data protection regulations.
Integration with Third-Party Systems and APIs
  • Develop integrations with popular platforms and APIs to extend functionality and improve interoperability.
  • Collaborate with partner companies to create seamless integrations and expand the software ecosystem.
Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD)
  • Implement automated build, test, and deployment pipelines to provide software releases.
  • Establish a continuous integration environment to enable frequent code integration and early error detection.
  • Create a continuous delivery approach to facilitate the deployment process and minimize downtime.
Scalability and Interoperability
  • Design the IoT solution to be scalable and capable of managing an increasing number of connected devices.
  • Ensure interoperability by adopting industry standards and open protocols.
Advanced Analytics and Predictive Maintenance
  • Utilize IoT data for advanced analytics and predictive maintenance insights.
  • Develop machine learning models to detect patterns, anomalies, and predict maintenance needs.
  • Integration with data visualization tools and dashboards for real-time monitoring and actionable insights.
Improved User Experience
  • Invest in intuitive user interfaces and user-centered design principles.
  • Conduct user research and usability tests to gather feedback and enhance the user experience.
  • Include user feedback loops to continuously improve the product based on user preferences and needs.
Performance Improvement
  • Identifying and optimizing resource-intensive areas of the software to enhance overall performance.
  • Implementing caching mechanisms and load balancing techniques to efficiently manage high traffic loads.
  • Continuously monitoring and fine-tuning the software's performance through performance testing and profiling.
User Feedback and Iterative Improvements
  • Collecting user feedback through surveys, interviews, and user testing sessions.
  • Prioritizing features and enhancements based on user-requested changes and feasibility.
  • Regularly releasing updates and iterating the software based on user feedback to improve user satisfaction.
Enhanced Security and Data Privacy
  • Strengthening IoT device security through secure boot, device authentication, and encryption implementations.
  • Ensuring data privacy through privacy controls, data anonymization, and permission management.
  • Regularly updating hardware and software in IoT devices to address security vulnerabilities.
Firmware Updates and Over-The-Air (OTA) Updates
  • Implementing remote firmware updates for IoT devices to fix bugs and add new features.
  • Enabling OTA update features for seamless and secure product software updates.
  • Considering rollback mechanisms to address update errors and maintain device functionality.
Data Analytics and Visualization
  • Developing advanced data analytics capabilities to derive insights from IoT data collected from various sensors and devices.
  • Creating interactive visualizations and dashboards to present meaningful and actionable information to users.
  • Integrating with popular data analysis tools or platforms to leverage advanced analysis algorithms.
Energy Efficiency and Sustainability
  • Optimizing energy consumption of IoT devices through the implementation of power management strategies.
  • Exploring energy harvesting techniques to reduce reliance on external power sources.
  • Incorporating sustainability principles into hardware design and device lifecycle management.
Gamification Elements
  • Adding gamification elements to the software to enhance user engagement and motivation.
  • Incorporating features such as point systems, badges, scoreboards, or challenges to encourage fun and competitive interactions with the software.
Predictive Maintenance
  • Integrating predictive maintenance capabilities into the IoT solution to enable proactive equipment maintenance and reduce downtime.
  • Using sensor data, machine learning algorithms, and anomaly detection techniques to predict equipment failures and plan maintenance activities in advance.
Real-Time Analytics and Insights
  • Developing real-time analytics and actionable insights in the IoT solution.
  • Enhancing algorithms and visualizations to meaningfully analyze and present data collected from IoT devices, enabling users to make data-driven decisions.
2026 Q2
Quantum-inspired Computing
  • Explore the potential of quantum-inspired computing to solve complex problems more efficiently.
  • Investigate quantum algorithms and apply them to optimize software performance and data analysis.
2026 Q2
Immersive User Experiences
  • Dive into the world of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) to create immersive user experiences.
  • Develop AR/VR applications that integrate seamlessly with the software, providing users with interactive and captivating experiences.
2026 Q2
Swarm Intelligence
  • Harness the power of swarm intelligence algorithms to enable collaborative decision-making within the software.
  • Implement intelligent agents that can communicate and cooperate with each other, resulting in more intelligent and adaptive software behavior.
2026 Q2
Bio-inspired Sensing
  • Take inspiration from nature and explore bio-inspired sensing technologies for IoT devices.
  • Develop sensors that mimic biological systems, such as bio-inspired vision sensors or bio-inspired odor sensors, to enhance the capabilities of IoT devices.
2026 Q2
Energy Harvesting Solutions
  • Focus on energy harvesting techniques to power IoT devices sustainably.
  • Investigate solar, kinetic, or thermal energy harvesting methods to reduce reliance on traditional power sources and promote eco-friendly IoT deployments.
2026 Q2
Swarm Robotics Integration
  • Integrate swarm robotics principles into IoT networks to enable coordinated actions and intelligent collaboration among IoT devices.
  • Develop algorithms that allow IoT devices to mimic swarm behavior, leading to efficient and self-organizing systems.
2026 Q2
Smart Home Ecosystem
  • Create an integrated smart home ecosystem that connects IoT devices, such as smart thermostats, lighting systems, security cameras, and appliances.
  • Utilize blockchain for secure device communication, data privacy, and decentralized control of smart home functionalities.
2026 Q2
Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing
  • Implement privacy-enhancing techniques, such as zero-knowledge proofs and homomorphic encryption, to enable secure and private data sharing in IoT environments.
  • Design blockchain-based data marketplaces that allow individuals to retain ownership of their data while selectively sharing it with trusted entities.
  • Implement anomaly detection algorithms that can identify potential failures and trigger proactive maintenance actions, minimizing downtime and optimizing maintenance schedules.
2026 Q3
Autonomous Drone Network
  • Develop a decentralized network of autonomous drones for various applications like aerial surveillance, delivery services, and infrastructure inspection.
  • Implement blockchain-based smart contracts to govern drone operations, ensuring secure and transparent interactions between drones, users, and service providers.
2026 Q3
Smart Home Ecosystem
  • Create an integrated smart home ecosystem that connects IoT devices, such as smart thermostats, lighting systems, security cameras, and appliances.
  • Utilize blockchain for secure device communication, data privacy, and decentralized control of smart home functionalities.
2026 Q3
Blockchain-based Agriculture
  • Implement a blockchain solution for the agriculture industry, enabling traceability, quality control, and fair trade practices for agricultural products.
  • Integrate IoT sensors to monitor environmental conditions, soil moisture, and crop health, providing real-time data for improved farming practices.
2026 Q3
Decentralized Asset Tracking
  • Develop a decentralized asset tracking system that utilizes blockchain and IoT devices to securely track and manage assets across supply chains.
  • Enable real-time visibility of asset location, condition, and ownership, reducing theft, counterfeiting, and inefficiencies.
2026 Q3
Energy-efficient Smart Grid
  • Build a blockchain-enabled smart grid system that optimizes energy distribution, consumption, and billing in a decentralized manner.
  • Integrate IoT devices, renewable energy sources, and smart meters to enable real-time monitoring, peer-to-peer energy trading, and demand-response mechanisms.
2026 Q3
Secure IoT Firmware Updates
  • Develop a secure firmware update mechanism for IoT devices using blockchain technology.
  • Ensure the authenticity and integrity of firmware updates, protecting IoT devices from unauthorized modifications and enhancing overall security.
2026 Q3
Blockchain-based Healthcare Data Exchange
  • Create a blockchain-based platform for secure and interoperable exchange of healthcare data between patients, providers, and researchers.
  • Implement IoT-enabled medical devices to capture and transmit patient health data, enhancing personalized healthcare and medical research.
2026 Q4
Decentralized Ride-Sharing Platform
  • Build a decentralized ride-sharing platform that utilizes blockchain for transparent and secure transactions.
  • Integrate IoT devices for real-time vehicle tracking, smart contracts for automated payment settlements, and reputation systems for trust and accountability.
2026 Q4
Blockchain-based Supply Chain Management
  • Develop a blockchain-powered supply chain management solution that ensures transparency, traceability, and efficiency across the entire supply chain.
  • Use IoT sensors to monitor and track goods, smart contracts for automated contract execution, and decentralized consensus for auditing and verification.
2026 Q4
Smart City Infrastructure
  • Create a smart city infrastructure by integrating IoT devices and blockchain technology.
  • Implement solutions for smart parking, waste management, energy optimization, and public transportation, leveraging blockchain for secure data sharing and management.
2026 Q4
Blockchain-enabled Identity Management
  • Design a blockchain-based identity management system that enhances privacy, security, and interoperability
  • Utilize IoT devices for biometric authentication, self-sovereign identity models, and decentralized identity verification.
2026 Q4
Blockchain-powered Intellectual Property Rights
  • Develop a blockchain solution for managing and protecting intellectual property rights.
  • Use smart contracts and IoT devices to establish immutable records, automate licensing and royalty payments, and enable transparent ownership tracking.
2026 Q4
Sustainable Energy Marketplace
  • Create a blockchain-enabled marketplace for trading renewable energy credits and incentivizing sustainable energy production.
  • Integrate IoT devices to measure energy generation and consumption, enabling peer-to-peer energy trading and decentralized energy management.
2026 Q4
Blockchain-based Voting System
  • Build a secure and transparent blockchain-based voting system that ensures the integrity and privacy of the voting process.
  • Utilize IoT devices for identity verification, smart contracts for vote recording, and decentralized consensus for result validation.
2026 Q4
Emotional Analytics for User Experience
  • Utilize IoT sensors and machine learning algorithms to analyze user emotions and tailor experiences accordingly.
  • Create personalized interfaces, products, and services that adapt to users' emotional states, enhancing engagement and satisfaction.
2026 Q4
  • Address the security challenges of quantum computing by integrating quantum-resistant cryptography into IoT systems.
  • Develop algorithms and protocols that ensure the confidentiality and integrity of IoT data, even in the face of future quantum threats.
2026 Q4
  • Draw inspiration from biological systems to design efficient and resilient IoT networks.
  • Investigate self-healing, adaptive, and energy-efficient networking mechanisms inspired by the behavior of biological organisms, improving reliability and scalability.
2026 Q4
  • Create an ambient intelligence ecosystem for smart homes, where devices seamlessly interact to anticipate and fulfill users' needs.
  • Develop context-aware applications that leverage IoT, AI, and sensor technologies to enhance comfort, convenience, and energy efficiency.
2026 Q4
  • Implement digital twin technology in IoT systems to enable predictive maintenance and optimize asset management.
  • Develop virtual replicas of physical assets that collect real-time data, enabling proactive maintenance, reducing downtime, and extending asset lifespan.